Noxious Weeds
The County Agricultural Inspector (CAI)
The position was established in 1929 to provide leadership and supervision in the enforcement of the Noxious Weed Law in each county. By law they are responsible for seeing that the noxious weed law is carried-out within their jurisdiction. They serve as the primary technical support to local weed inspectors in the areas of enforcement procedures and public relations. Without their willing and able leadership, it is nearly impossible for local weed inspectors to fulfill their responsibilities.
To find out more, give our office a call and/or check out this website.
Or, contact Pamela Winzenburg: (320) 522-4625 or
Noxious Weed Law
The Noxious Weed Law affects growing plants. Some plants are noxious because they can harm people, animals, the food we eat, and nature. MDA, county, city, and township officials inspect land and ask owners to control and eradicate noxious weeds that are present in order to keep them from spreading and harming neighboring lands. Land owners that refuse to comply with an official inspectors notice to control noxious weeds are in violation of the Noxious Weed Law and are subject to having the county contract the work to be performed, with all costs being added to their property taxes, or a summons to district court.
Noxious Weeds:

- Forty-six plant species are regulated as noxious weeds and specially regulated plants in Minnesota
- There are currently 28 species on the prohibited noxious weed list – 16 on the eradicate list and 12 on the control list. These species must be eradicated or controlled on all lands within the state and cannot be illegally transported, propagated or sold except as provided for in Minnesota Statutes, Section 18.82
- Sixteen species are listed as restricted noxious weeds and cannot be sold, propagated or transported except as provided for in Minnesota Statutes, Section 18.82
- Four species are listed as specially regulated plants and eradication or control can be enforced under specific conditions